If you have a personal injury claim, you may be entitled to compensation. How much that compensation will be depends on several factors. One of the biggest factors is how serious your injuries were. A lot of people think that just because an accident happened, they’re automatically entitled to thousands or millions of dollars. This is not true.

The biggest misconception when it comes to personal injury law is compensation. What most people don’t realize is that most personal injury cases are settled out of court. They are usually settled for much less than you may think.

The bottom line is you can only be compensated for your injuries. If hurt, you won’t have entitlement to any compensation. If your damages were minimal, you will only receive minimal compensation.

Even the best South Carolina personal injury attorney can only get you so much money. If the proof isn’t there, it isn’t there. You can’t get paid millions if you only suffered a few cuts and bruises.

Compensation Depends on the Circumstances of Your Case

How much your case is worth depends on the circumstances of your case. It also depends on your injuries. Finally, it depends on who you can pursue. Here are a few things that impact the amount of money you can receive:

  • Were your injuries serious? Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury, head or back injury?
  • Did you miss time from work? Do you earn a decent salary? Are you able to go back to the same job earning the same money?
  • Was there damage to your car or other property?
  • Did you experience pain and suffering? Did the accident cause anxiety, depression or other mental health issues?
  • Do you need future medical care? Do you require physical therapy or multiple surgeries?

You need to determine whether you are suing an individual or a business. How much insurance coverage do they have?

Yes, you can get a judgment against someone. That judgment may be very large. However, you may never see a penny. This is why a good Greenville personal injury attorney will try to settle your case.

Good Evidence Will Help Your Case

If you expect to receive any compensation, you need solid evidence. It’s no good to file a suit against someone if you don’t have evidence that they hurt you. This is why it is so important that you get medical treatment immediately following an accident. If you don’t, there is no way to prove that you have injuries.

If you don’t get immediate treatment, it will be easy to blame your injuries on some other cause. For example, assume a car hits you on Friday and don’t go to the hospital. Saturday evening your back starts hurting. You go to the emergency room. On the way there, your car hits a giant pothole.

Let’s now assume that this pothole is obvious. Perhaps people in that neighborhood complain about the pothole all the time. The other party’s attorney may ask you what route you took to the hospital. You may even mention the pothole on social media.

Anything that takes place between the time of the accident and medical treatment can be the cause. Even if it only sheds doubt on your case, it could cost you money. A jury or judge may feel that some of your injuries were not from the accident.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Greenville, South Carolina

If hurt in an accident or slip and fall, you need an attorney. You are going to want someone to pay for your injuries. You are going to want justice. An experienced personal injury attorney can do just that.

The first thing you need to do after the accident is to get medical treatment. The next thing you want to do is call a lawyer. The experienced attorneys at Brumback & Langley have handled many injury cases. They have what it takes to help you win your case.

Personal injury lawyer in Greenville know the law in South Carolina. They know what evidence is necessary and know how to file claims against the insurance company. They will review your file and make sure you have the evidence you need. Also, they can hire medical s to support your claims.

Contact the office of Brumback & Langley to schedule your free consultation. They will sit with you and review your case. They will answer any questions you may have. You pay nothing until they win your case.