Who Will You Have to Sue if You Get into an Accident with a Holiday Delivery Truck?

More people do their Christmas shopping online these days. This means that there are millions of packages out there on trucks scheduled for delivery. As careful as delivery drivers may be, they are still just human. They’re just as likely to get into a car accident as anyone else. When you see how many of these trucks are on the road, you’ll understand why we say to be careful. One of these trucks could make a simple mistake and end up crashing into your vehicle. Getting into an accident with a delivery vehicle tends to cause very serious injuries. A passenger vehicle simply doesn’t stand a chance against a giant box truck or delivery vehicle.

It can be confusing trying to figure out where you need to file your accident claim. The best way to get the compensation you need is to file a claim against the driver’s employer. They’re going to be responsible for any injuries caused by their drivers.

If you are injured in an accident involving a delivery vehicle, call and speak with a car accident lawyer in Greenville, South Carolina. They’ll review your case and help you file your insurance claim. If all else fails, they can even file a lawsuit on your behalf.

Will the Delivery Driver’s Employer Pay Your Claim?

Just as with any other truck accident in Greenville, odds are, your claim will have to be filed against the delivery driver’s employer. For some of the larger companies like FedEx and UPS, they’re going to pay most of these claims. It’s cheaper and easier for them to pay the smaller claims rather than fight them in court.

For some of the more local, smaller companies, they may choose to deny your claim. If this is the case, your accident lawyer is going to have to file a legal claim.

If your claim is denied, your Greenville car accident lawyer will have no choice but to file suit. This doesn’t mean your lawyer won’t continue to try to settle your claim. In fact, more than 90% of all truck accident claims settle long before trial. However, there is no guarantee that you’ll get any compensation.

Your Greenville Car Accident Lawyer Will Demand Certain Damages

If your loved one is hurt in an accident with a holiday delivery truck this season, your Greenville car accident lawyer will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. They’ll make sure your insurance claim is filed properly. And, if your claim is denied, your attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf.

Some of the damages that your car accident lawyer will demand includes:

  • Medical bills – The other driver will be responsible for any medical bills you incur. This includes things like hospital bills and physical therapy. It will also include any future medical bills you may experience.
  • Lost Wages – If you’re out of work for weeks or months, you can demand compensation. Your Greenville car accident attorney will submit proof of how much time you’ve missed. This may include time sheets and payroll records.
  • Property Damage – Obviously, if your car is damaged in the crash, the defendant will be responsible for any repairs. Just make sure you keep receipts of whatever you spend so you can get reimbursed later.
  • Pain and Suffering – Given the serious injuries most car accident victims face, you may be entitled to pain and suffering.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer About Your Accident With a Delivery Truck

The one thing you can’t prepare for during the holidays is a car accident. You go about your business and then, out of nowhere, someone crashes into your car. You may sustain serious injuries. Even if you don’t, you’re bound to have suffered some damage to your car. The person who hit you should have to pay. One way to make sure this happens is to call an experienced Greenville, South Carolina car accident lawyer.

Your attorney will sit down and take the time you need to explain what happened. They’ll ask the right questions and get an idea of whether you have a valid claim. The good news is that you’re not obligated to retain them. The choice is up to you. However, it’s always a good idea to have an experienced attorney by your side. Especially if you’ve never dealt with this kind of thing before.

Call our office and schedule your initial consultation.